What is Campus Equity Week

Campus Equity Week is coalition among faculty organizers and organizations throughout higher education. We are joined by a common focus on the increasing and exploitative contingent employment practices in our colleges and universities, and the problems deriving there from. Whether an individual or organization's specific attention is on academic quality, student access and success, public policy, fiscal support, working conditions, benefits, or pay equity issues, we generally agree that what has been termed "the corporatization of higher education" has led to a continuous decline throughout the last half of the twentieth century, and this following on a half century of unprecedented growth in all measures of quality.


Our goal is to raise awareness and educate our campus communities, the public and policymakers about the broad negative impacts of contingent academic employment practices.

Campus Equity Week

See "A Brief History of Campus Equity Week" by Chris Storer

CEW/FEW 2001

October 28th-November 3rd 2001

CEW/FEW 2003

October 27th-31st 2003

CEW/FEW 2005

October 24th-29th 2005

United States
October 31st-November 4th, 2005


Faculty and Staff displaced by Hurricane Katrina can register at the Louisiana Board of Regents Displaced Faculty & Staff Registry.